What is Fit & Fine Fitness Boot Camp?
Fit & Fine Fitness Boot Camp is a fitness program that includes top notch fitness instructions, nutritional coaching and motivational training all designed to get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest, safest possible time regardless of your current fitness level.
What if I’m not very physically fit?
No camper will be left behind or asked to complete more than they are capable of doing safely. Weather you have five or fifty pounds to lose, or just those stubborn ten, you’ll find that Fit Body Boot Camp is just the program for you! Women and men of all ages, abilities and fitness levels regularly attend Fit Body Boot Camp and achieve incredible results.
What if I’m too busy and don’t have time to come?
I know you’ll agree that some exercise is better than no exercise. So if you can’t make it four days a week, at least do your best to attend three days a week. We have seen participants achieve significant results while attending three days a week.
What if I can’t attend all the days offered?
Professionally speaking…after working with over 10,416 clients over the years we have found that “I don’t have time” really means “I’d like to procrastinate a little longer.” The truth of the matter is that you can make time if you really want to change the way you look and feel. Ask yourself this: I’m I finally ready?
Okay, you make a good point… what do I need to bring?
Nothing. We’ll provide all the equipment, motivation, and accountability you’ll need. Just bring a water bottle and a sense of adventure! Oh, and make sure NOT to come on an empty stomach. We don’t want you to get light headed during our fun and energizing workouts!
What can I expect to achieve?
You can expect to drop inches and pounds while becoming more fit and toned. On average you’ll drop 3-6 pounds, 1-2 dress sizes, and 2-5% body fat every 30 days. The program includes exercises designed to firm your butt and thighs, flatten your stomach, reduce body fat and “bloat” and increase confidence.
How is this different than the local health club?
Fit & Fine Fitness Boot Camp is a fitness program designed to get you in the best shape of your life in a fun and motivating atmosphere. Unlike a traditional health club you won’t encounter intimidation, overcrowding, and broken down equipment. And best of all we are the ONLY fitness and weight loss program in the area to offer a “see results or get your money back” guarantee! Lean more about our amazing guarantee here!
How often can I attend?
The boot camps run four days week, Monday – Thursday, and since they are held in-doors, the weather is never an issue. We suggest that you attend five days a week, but you can still achieve incredible results if you attend at least three days per week.
Can I pay per workout or just when I come?
No. The fact of the matter is that you need and want to exercise consistently, right? We’ve found that the second best motivator is knowing that you are consistently paying for your boot camp. The best motivator is knowing that you’re going to have a ton of fun once you get to camp and meet your new friends for another life changing workout!
How do I sign up?
You can register instantly by calling 786-278-5584 or email signup@fitandfinebootcamp.com
Will I be sore sometimes?
Most people feel some soreness for the first 2-3 days. After that point, it is little to moderate. It’s part of the process that lets you know you are improving! After the first two weeks your body will adjust and you’ll find that you’re no longer sore.
Is there a refund policy?
Yes, we offer a full 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. Try Fit Body Boot Camp for 30 days, and if you aren’t happy with the results that you’re getting – just let us know and we’ll give you a full refund!
What is a typical day like at the camp?
In one word ? FUN! However, since each workout program is intentionally different to alleviate boredom and to give you maximum results in minimum time its difficult to describe a “typical day.” You can expect some light running, resistance training, obstacle courses, core, body weight, and team training. On wild card days, you will hike, crawl, lunge, and have a fun time while burning a ton of fat and meeting new people. It’s always an adventure!
How soon will I see results?
Performance improvement can take place in as little as a couple of days. “Visual Improvement” can take from two to four weeks depending on your effort level. It’s becoming common to see a camper go down 1-2 dresses sizes within the first 30 days.
Does the camp ever end?
Fit & Fine Fitness Boot Camp is an ongoing program. After all it’s a lifestyle change. You’re welcome to join for a little as one month or stay on board for the long haul like 85% of our members.
What types of people go to camp?
They are people just like you. Whether you have a few vanity pounds to lose or 50 plus pounds you’ll find Fit Body Boot Camp is the perfect program to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goal!
What if I have other questions?
You can always call us at 786-278-5584 or email us at signup@fitandfinebootcamp.com and we would be more than happy to answer any additional questions that you may have. Ok, now that all of your most pressing questions have been answered. Call to “register now” and join the most exciting fitness program in Miami!
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Call: 786-278-5584

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